
Our journey as succulent growers and collectors started roughly 5 years ago when Eskom kept messing up my utility account on my plot with my neighbour’s (brick manufacturer) hefty monthly account. It took months to get the problem sorted out, but unfortunately, our garden’s fate was already decided. Our garden had suffered a great deal of damage, which led to a long journey filled with attempts to restore the once leafy garden. We decided on succulents instead, in honour of my late partner, Brian.

Like my late partner, succulents only need a little bit of love and care to gracefully bloom into charming tenacious plants. Succulents to me, symbolize his enduring and timeless love, which my late partner had plenty to give.

Phase one of the project was to transform a dug-out hole (meant for a duck pond ..spoiler, it never got built). I started doing quite a bit of travelling from nursery to nursery, falling in love with the endless variety of succulents available. I was hooked on succulents and in awe of their beautify and so the project powered on and eventually, we completely replanted most of the garden with succulents.

As fate would have it, love found its way back into my life. This was the start of a new beginning and a new journey to a business filled with passion and excitement.

We strongly believe that our company name naturally found us. A dear friend of ours, Kate Laas, often referred to succulents colloquially as “fatty plants”, thus our nursery received its name! We adore our company name and aspire to let each customer depart with a happy soul and succulents filled with beauty and splendour.
